
    Welcome to TNR

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    At the Path of the Shinobi lies many routes.What route will you take? Learn the way of the Shinobi as you start as an aspiring Academy Student. Fight your way to the top to become the Kage: the single shadow that protects your village from any danger, or become your village’s worst nightmare as a wandering Outlaw of pure darkness.

    What? This is a modernized version of an long-running online text-based game based on a new technology stack and sprinkled with a bit of AI technology.


    Keep an eye out for announcements, contests, and important updates here.

    Seichi News - Issue No. 4

    By Monami on 9/19/2024

    Seichi News Issue No. 4 is finally here!!

    Take your time and enjoy the read and stay safe during these war times!

    Seichi News - Issue 4


    Hello Again

    By Neon on 9/19/2024

    Combat isn't where it should be and I know a lot of you are unhappy about it. So am I. I know a lot of you are unhappy about the constant changes, So am I and for that, i'll say am sorry.

    When the game is unbalanced, I feel like I need to do something to bring it back.

    A major change occurred with the combat system, which fixed a lot of the bugs that were bothering you guys and when big changes like that happen it prompts a rethink of how things are done.

    Over the weekend I made a bit too drastic a change so am reverting that and giving you back the ability to use two jutsu in one round.

    The change to residual caught us off guard and Quiet has been spending a lot of time trying to make them feel useful to persons who want to play that way.

    Now personally, balancing is hard it's not easy, and having to juggle TNR and my work along with planning new features is a lot. Some times the focus is lost but it's not easy to handle everything but that's what I signed up for.

    I won't always make the right changes and I won't always make the correct read on the state of things but all of you have been helpful in giving ideas and feedback. So an answer to the question that I was asked today Is my ideal combat state.

    To me, the ideal combat is where everyone can fight on even footing and do different things, employ different playstyles, and not be able to fight this one way. That's what I see for the combat system. Right now we're not there and I hope we can get there quickly before you all grow frustrated.

    Other than that, I just ask for a bit of patience and I ask for suggestions, whatever we can do to make the game feel more fun to keep you entertained and to keep you wanting to play. I know many think we don't like them or we're out to get them but that's not the case. We might not always agree but my only goal is to have a game that you can enjoy. More things to come soon i promise



    Damage Over Time - Final Set Changes / Patch Notes (For Real)

    By Quiet on 9/16/2024

    Good evening:

    Attached are my final patch notes for the DoTs currently at jounin level or bloodline related. These will be split so look in the comment section for the rest. If I missed something I will get to it and add it to the comment section also.

    Tides of Despair: 3 rounds of damage down from 4
    Blazing Chains: 4 Rounds of damage down from 6 0.5 Residual Modifier down from 0.6
    Abyssal Suffucotation Down to 3 rounds from 5 Down to 0.4 Residual Modifier from 0.5
    Lunar Descent: 30 EP up from 28 0.6 Modifier up from 0.5 3 rounds down from 4
    Emberflame Cocoon: 4 Rounds down from 6
    Flame Vortex: 3 Rounds down from 4 0.6 Residual Modifier, down from 0.8
    Majestic Flame: 3 Rounds down from 4 0.6 Residual Modifier down from 0.8
    Earth Release: Consuming Earth: 3 Rounds down from 4 .4 Modifier down from 0.5
    Volt Reaper: 2 rounds down from 3
    Eight Fist Style: Lotus Dance: 3 Rounds down from 6 0.6 Modifier up from 0.5


    Damage Over Time - Final Set Changes / Patch Notes

    By Quiet on 9/16/2024

    The anticipation....


    Peaceful Times

    By Neon on 9/16/2024

    We're aware of the mission bug, for now we're at Peace with our AI enemies.


    Patch 2 Full Notes

    By Neon on 9/16/2024



    Patch 2: A Strange new world

    By Neon on 9/15/2024

    The thought behind these changes is to lower overall damage output by effects, making jutsu's that do raw damage more appealing without needing secondary tags. Bloodline stuff will always be stronger than none bloodline so these will have a higher base than what can be found in the open. However, their cooldowns won't be changed to force diversification and resource management. In the future, we plan to remove some of the buff/debuff tags and diversify them.

    Ranks on Bloodline stuff does not indicate strength. By all means Bloodline stuff are designed to be used throughout the game at all ranks, but for the sake of distribution they are given out in all Ranks.

    Bloodline dots might be too strong so these are subject to change after further review.

    These changes are locked in till end of the month where by then we should have our dev server where select users will be invited to test certain things. This patch was made by talking with a few users who are top of the leaderboard and taking their opinion into consideration. Some changes are temporary(BEE) until new tags are released and certain things are fixed. There will be a discord mega thread for you to give feedback and question changes.


    Recoil has been removed or set to target self, some jutsu very rare ones still apply recoil other_user this is to ensure that stacking dots + recoil is lowered.

    Cleanse and Clear AP Cost has been risen to 60.

    Next we're looking at Jonin Jutsu, removing some of the buffs and debuffs so these tags actually matter now, bloodlines provide alot of utility already so now we're looking to diversify everyone. More to come on these later. We're looking to work on Ranges for different offences so persons have to now play their range instead of sitting beside each other more. Taijutsu will see most of their ranges drop to 2 and 3, While Nin and Weapon will see more 3 and 4. Genjutsu will see more ranges between 4 and 5.

    Bloodline jutsus will break these molds as the above is for general Jonin stuff. Forbidden Jutsus are in but they have not been released yet.

    The full patch notes detailing all the changes will come in a next news post but these are just the thoughts on what is happening.


    EM event Postponed, Bloodline Changes To Come today.

    By Neon on 9/14/2024

    So I'll make it short, the EM event has been postponed in favor of balance changes this weekend, we're focusing on Bloodlines today and Jonin stuff tomorrow. The usual two events every weekend is still on, one is live at wake island right now and another will be available tomorrow. Bigger patch note will come later to explain the thought process behind the changes.


    A Rank Bloodline Updates Patch 1

    By Neon on 9/13/2024

    As of the time of reading this every A Rank has seen their weakness reduce to 5% damage taken, and elemental resistance lower to one single element and elemental weakness lowered to a single element. This change should allow A Ranks to feel better in combat and not be abused as much.


    Combat Fixed..Rebalancing Incoming

    By Neon on 9/13/2024

    Now that the combat bugs have been resolved, we'll be looking at rebalancing Jonin and A Rank BLs. We're looking at some Bloodlines that are underperforming and others that are over performing. The goalw ith the A Ranks is to some what bridge the gap a little bit between them and S Ranks. Not every A Rank will be looked at as some are in agood state(even though the users think otherwise). Residual damage will also be fine tuned over the weekend, Every battle that you fought this week is flawed data so take it with a grain of salt.


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